Friday, August 7, 2009

Sheep With Lost Email Addresses

Thanks to those who have sent in lost email addresses! Our list is getting shorter.

1. Below is a list of persons who went to Jerusalem with us that we have NO email address listed for them. Can you help us find them?

(If a name is not on this list that does NOT imply we have a CORRECT email address listed for them, but we do have something listed for them even if it is many years old. If you didn't receive an email from Bracken around August 4 and August 16 then I don't have your correct address - or it went straight to your junk mail.)

Analecia Adams
Justin Allen
Amanda Ashton
John Barnes
Megan Benson - maybe now with "Nordgren" as a last name
Benji Bikman
Jennifer Birtcher
Peter Blair
Eliza Boyer
Joseph Brown
Rachel Crane - now Martinez
Susan Domer
Amy Ellis - maybe "Bates" now
Jennifer Evans
Kathryn Fenn
Stacey Godfrey
Sara Hanson
Sarah Hart
Aaron Heaton
Nancy Holt
Brooke Huish
Rachel Hunter
Douglas and Rebecca Hut
Charity Johnson - maybe now "Checketts"
Brinn Klein - maybe now "King"
Jenny Kunz
Colette Labrum
Peter McBean
Amber Michel - maybe now "Parkinson"
Jonathan Miller
Rebecca Millet
Carrie Parker
Elyse Peterson
Melanie Petersen
Tasha Radman
Marja Rawlings
Deborah Reeder- now Hauck
Emily Rhodes
Jason Rippon
Kelly Sainsbury
William Sandberg
Ranae Stephens
John Stone
Hilary Sutton - maybe now "Western"
Josh Sybrowsky
Elizabeth Thomas
Emily Tidwell - maybe now "Mortensen"
Rebecca Wilde
Karen Wiley - maybe now "Andersen"
Shelley Wood

Sister Snow
Van Orden
Arnold Greene
Brother Nassal

Thanks to your help within one day we found 10 of 73 lost email addresses! I remove the names from this list once someone sends me their email address.

Of the 100+ people we do have email address for, we probably have old/wrong email addresses for half. For some people I have 3 different email addresses listed.

We don't expect to send many emails. This blog will be the main way to communicate. We just want to spread the word about the blog and email is most convenient.


cragun family said...

my e mail address is

Angela said...

I didn't recieve an email, so it either went to the junk email or it's an old address. So just in case here's mine:

Jenny said...

This is Jenny Wiebe (Evans). I'd love to be updated. My address is Thanks.

Raychill said...

Is there a facebook group for us? I think a bunch those people could be found on facebook.

My email addy - rachael @