Thursday, September 18, 2008

Angela Bingham Tomlinson

Hey everyone! It's me, Angela Bingham, now Tomlinson. After Jerusalem, I finished up school at BYU-I. In June 2000 I began working as a RN down in Provo. I reunited with a hometown friend-now sweetheart--Moe (Morgan) Tomlinson in January of 2001. On June 29, 2001 we were sealed in the Logan Temple. What an adventure our life has been since then!
In our married life we have lived in Logan, UT, Tremonton, UT, Jerome, ID, St. George, UT, Vancouver, WA, and Lancaster, CA. We have moved a total of eight times! We now have three wonderful children: Kenya Ilene turns six on September 21st, Naomi Elizabeth turned 4 on July 2nd, and Micah Preston turns 2 in March 2009. The family picture was taken in July of 2008.
Moe finished up schooling at USU in December of 2004 in the flight technology program. Moe has been a pilot since 1998, and a first officer pilot with Skywest Airlines since May of 2006.
I am currently working one 8 hour shift a week on a Behavioral Health Unit, yes that's right...I work on a locked down pyschiatric unit and absolutely love it! BUT I love being Mom the most. Life is good for us...there is NO WAY I can tell everything that has happened in the last 9 years...

We, Moe and I, just barely hiked Mount Whitney in 12.5 hours total on Monday, thus the picture! We try to go backpacking together at least once a year. I still love traveling by the way, but it's different now that I have children. We still take advantage of the flying benefits that come with being employed by an airline though!
I do have a blog, but it is private--I guess working on a pysche unit has made me a little more cautious, I have no problem with inviting my Jerusalem friends, I just need email addresses...
Hope all is going well in your lives...the funny is that lately I was having a great desire to reconnect with everyone from Jerusalem, but didn't quite know how. Then my mom ran into Angie Miller now Wyatt, and thus I now have a way! Thanks ladies--you were inspired! I vote for a ten year reunion!

1 comment:

BYU Jerusalem Fall 99 said...

I love the hiking pic! What a fun adventure! Angie Wyatt